Avro Keyboard and Bangla Spell Checker!

※ Download: Bangla keyboard

Keyboard supports most modern English to Bangla phonetic typing method. Bengali keyboard will allow you to write in Bengali language.

To do a combination character you will join it with q character. The portable edition is also free for any personal or commercial use. Users can use Avro Keyboard and any other keyboard in any language defined in control panel simultaneously.

Bangla Keyboard - বাংলা কিবোর্ড - You are logged in as.

Type Bangla using this phonetic keyboard. Very easy to use. Keyboard supports most modern English to Bangla phonetic typing method. Once done click on email button to send it to anyone. You can also copy paste and save it in any other application such as Notes. No need to learn any specific keyboard. This keyboard uses english phonetic typing method. To do a combination character you will join it with q character. You are logged in as. Please submit your review for Bangla Keyboard 1. Rate this product: 2. One-line summary: 10 characters minimum Count: 0 of 55 characters 3. Pros: 10 characters minimum Count: 0 of 1,000 characters 4. Cons: 10 characters minimum Count: 0 of 1,000 characters 5. Summary: optional Count: 0 of 1,500 characters The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited. Full Specifications What's new in version 6. General Publisher Publisher web site Release Date February 17, 2017 Date Added February 17, 2017 Version 6. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Download Information File Size 3.


You can compose emails, post on Facebook and write some one WhatsApp messages through Bengali Keypad. With Unicode fonts, Avro Keyboard also comes with Siyam Rupali ANSI and Kalpurush ANSI fonts. On the other hand, Avro developers denied all allegation bangla keyboard them. Beginning On bangla keyboard April 2010,the proprietor of commercial and closed source Bijoy software and CEO of 'Ananda Computers' said in an article in dailyhackers were responsible for spreading unlicensed copies of his Bijoy on the internet. Avro Keyboard comes with many additional features; auto correction, spell checker, a Font Fixer tool to set default font, a Keyboard Layout Editor, Unicode to Bijoy converter, and a set of Bengali Unicode fonts. Change the keyboard to English and Bengali with in the same keyboard. Two User Interface Modes: Most Bangla typing softwares offer only system tray based keyboard interface for users. Faster Bangla typing: Like older methods of Bangla typing, you don't have to change the fonts every time you change keyboard between Bangla and English. For detail information, please read the Documentations. No need to copy and paste Bangla text.